make intelligent graphics for Oracle Performance

On these tutorial we create some graphs for view oracle performance problems and IO .

First step is install oracle docker on Oracle Linux - 6 or 7. My case i going to study hard to get OCP on linux, and now we use Oracle Linux 7.2, please follow:


To install Docker on Oracle Linux 6:

  1. Enable the ol6_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo
  2. Run:
    yum install docker 

To install Docker on Oracle Linux 7:

  1. Enable the ol7_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo
  2. Run:
    yum install docker 

Enable btrfs support

Docker uses device-mapper devices as the default storage engine. To switch to using btrfs as the storage engine, ensure that /var/lib/docker is mounted on a btrfs filesystem. Check Chapter 5 of the Oracle Linux Administrator's Solutions Guide for more details on how to create and mount btrfs filesystems.
To enable btrfs support for Docker on Oracle Linux:
  1. Ensure that /var/lib/docker is on a btrfs filesystem
  2. Edit /etc/sysconfig/docker and add "-s btrfs" to the other_args fields.
  3. Restart the Docker daemon:
    # service docker restart

Enabling and starting Docker

To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL6:
# chkconfig docker on
# service docker start
To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL7:
# systemctl enable docker.service
# systemctl start docker.service

      Checking Docker status

      To check that Docker is up and running on OL6:
      # service docker status
      To check that Docker is up and running on OL7:
      # systemctl status docker.service
      You can also get more information from Docker itself:
      # docker info
      # docker version
      Once you have Docker up and running, follow the upstream Docker documentation to get started. 

      Next step is to get my docker on next post!
